You've landed on the most important page on our website. Our mission and Spiritan philosophy influence everything we do—actually, everything we are—here at Holy Ghost Prep.
Holy Ghost Prep, founded by members of the Congregation of the Holy Ghost, the Spiritans, is a private Catholic school dedicated to the quality education of college-bound young men.
With Christ at the center, Holy Ghost Prep aspires to form young men morally, intellectually, and spiritually in the Spiritan tradition. This tradition fosters the development of community in "one heart and one mind," the cultivation of each student's unique gifts, academic excellence, and generous service to the poor.
Holy Ghost Prep is a Roman Catholic secondary educational institution founded by the members of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit, the Spiritans. Holy Ghost Prep serves God by serving each student through a commitment to excellence in liberal arts and sciences education and through a deep concern for moral, spiritual, and ethical values, grounded in the traditions of Roman Catholicism and the Congregation of the Holy Spirit.
The motto of Holy Ghost Preparatory School is "Cor Unum at Anima Una", which means "One Heart and One Mind", a phrase taken from the Acts of the Apostles in the New Testament (Acts 4:32).
It is a description of the early Christian community of believers, united in faith, prayer and good works. This is the cornerstone of the institution. It is the mission of the school to form the heart, mind, and soul in the teaching and values of the Roman Catholic Church and the Spiritan tradition. This tradition, arising from the charism of the founding Congregation of the Holy Spirit, calls for a particular concern for the poor and oppressed. Thus, "One Heart and One Mind" describes the total educational experience at Holy Ghost Prep: faith in Christ, love for the Church and its traditions, and service to the poor in the spirit of the Gospel.