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Sport Forms

Welcome Parents and Students! Please read over this page in its entirety, as there are many updates and changes to the Pre-Participation Paperwork collection process this year.

These changes should streamline the process, making it easier for you to know when you have submitted all necessary documentation and it has been approved by the Athletic Department.

In order for your son to participate in any sports here at HGP, ALL medical/PIAA documentation and concussion education modules must be completed prior to the dates listed below for each season:

Fall Sports: August 1, 2023 

Winter Sports: November 3, 2023

Spring Sports: March 1, 2024

This year, all medical/PIAA documentation will be collected through Big Teams. On this site, you must create an account for your son, and submit all required information, including the PIAA Section 6  “Physical”. Once submitted, you will await a confirmation email of approval from the Athletic Department through the Big Teams website. Once EVERYTHING is approved, your son will be medically eligible to participate in athletics. If an item you’ve submitted gets denied, you will be notified via email from Big Teams, with a brief explanation as to why it was denied. 

Big Teams Registration Link Here

*NO hard copies or emails of any medical/PIAA documentation will be accepted.*

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Bucks County CCET Concussion Education Module

Your son is required to complete this interactive module prior to the relevant season’s date listed above. This module only needs to be completed once per school year, no matter how many sports you play. 

CCET Link Here

Sway Medical

This year we will be using a new tool for concussion baseline and post-injury testing. Sway is modern technology that accurately measures key pieces of data, including balance, motor coordination, memory, and cognitive function to assist in referral and/or return to play decision-making. The utilization of this technology will require your son to download the “Sway Medical” app on his phone, as this is what will be used to complete the test. This will replace the ImPACT test. Baseline testing will be completed in a team-setting at the beginning of the season. Specific sessions will be scheduled by individual teams (TBA).


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