Extracurricular Activities
Participation in extracurricular activities is an important part of the formation of community "in one heart and one mind."
Thanks to the 75 extracurricular activities at Holy Ghost Prep, there are virtually endless opportunities to get engaged, try new things, and find a passion. From Model UN, to Chess and Theater, every student at HGP has the opportunity to build expertise in his craft or try something new for the first time.
Custom Class: custom-hr red
- Art Club
- Astronomy Club
- C.A.F.E.
- Chess Club
- Chorus
- Classics Club
- Club de Domino
- Drama Society
- Environmental Club
- Electronic Gaming
- First Friday
- Forensic Society
- French Club
- Holy Ghost Prep Television Station
- Jazz Band
- Mathletes
- Math Modeling
Art Club
Astronomy Club
Chess Club
Classics Club
Club de Domino
Drama Society
Environmental Club
Electronic Gaming
First Friday
Forensic Society
French Club
Holy Ghost Prep Television Station
Jazz Band
Math Modeling
- Meterology Club
- Mock Trial
- Movie Club
- Musical Theatre
- Mu Alpha Theta National Honor Society
- National Art Honor Society
- Newspaper, THE FLAME
- Poetry Club
- Politics Club
- Respect Life Club
- Robotics Club
- SOCIÉTÉ HONORAIRE de FRANÇAIS - (French Honor Society)
- Spanish Club
- Student Film Club
- Teams
- World War II Club
Meterology Club
Mock Trial
Movie Club
Musical Theatre
Mu Alpha Theta National Honor Society
National Art Honor Society
Newspaper, THE FLAME
Poetry Club
Politics Club
Respect Life Club
Robotics Club
SOCIÉTÉ HONORAIRE de FRANÇAIS - (French Honor Society)
Spanish Club
Student Film Club
World War II Club
Custom Class: custom-hr red
AARP Service
A weekly meeting between generations.
Admissions Ambassadors
Assist with Open House, Interview Season and Freshmen Welcome Night.
Campus Ministers
Students assist with a full range of liturgical functions in the maintenance of the historic Chapel of the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Community Service Corps
Open to all, the CSC promotes personal growth and social awareness through involvement in service activities on and off-campus.
Christian Service
From serving the homeless at St. Francis Inn to building projects as part of "A Taste of Mission" in West Virginia, promotes and enables widest sense of Spiritan service.
Ghost Around the World
Promotes connections with Spiritan Apostolates worldwide.
Liturgical Ministers
Training and service as sacristans, lectors, musicians,servers, Eucharistic distributor, and hosts.
National Honor Society
Students selected through academic achievement, character, and service assist the community through tutoring, concession and book sales, and fund-raising activities for scholarships.
Peer Counselors
Students promote healthy adolescent life styles. Organizes Red Ribbon Week.
Peer Ministers
Key Campus Ministry students stress leadership in service to the HGP community, helping administration and student government with freshmen orientation and the annual Charity Ball.
Student Government
Elected student government members are directly responsible for the concerns of the student body and their appropriate presentation to administration to effect change.
Promotes healthy and spirited participation for attendance at sports and other school events. Conducts various dances throughout the year, including prom and date dances.
Nominated students in the musical arts perform and do community service.
Custom Class: custom-hr red
Intramural Sports
Several times each month, sports opportunities from weightlifting to ultimate frisbee.
Kendo Club
Kendo, the Way of the Sword is the art of Japanese Samurai rooted in the traditions of Budo, the Martial Way. The Club meets and practices under the direction of a skilled faculty practitioner of Kendo.
Ski/Snowboard Club
Any student who is interested in skiing or snowboarding may join the club which plans semi-monthly trips each fall and monthly trips each winter to local and regional mountain sites.