House System and Spiritan Cup

The Holy Ghost Prep community consists of four Houses: Brottier, des Places, Laval, and Libermann. In order to strengthen brotherhood, personal connections, and school spirit, every student and adult in the HGP community is part of a House, which is made up of smaller COR groups.  Houses and COR groups are named after our Spiritan Founders. Each year, Houses compete against one another in various events to win the annual Spiritan Cup.

First page of the PDF file: all4Houseshields_4
 House  COR Groups
 Brottier  Healy, Huber, McGlade, Vonderwinkel
 des Places  Griffin, McGurk, Roach, Roszmarynowski
 Laval    Fitzgibbon, McCabe, Murphy, Weigand
 Libermann  Bevan, Hehir, McGovern, Wagner


Spiritan Cup Champions

2022-23: des Places

2021- 22: Brottier

2020-21: No Champion (Covid)

2019-20: des Places

2018-19: des Places