The Craft Show is the largest fundraiser sponsored by the HGP Mothers' Guild; it is an amazing event with over a hundred talented crafters and thousands of shoppers each day. In addition, there are games of chance, raffles, and lots of homemade food and baked goods. It is truly the most popular craft show in the area. Thousands of dollars have been raised over the past years and profits are given to the school to directly benefit our sons.
The success of the Craft Show depends on you -- the moms (and dads) of HGP who lend their help and support! It’s a wonderful way to make new friends, have a great time, and to be a part of the HGP family as we continue this great tradition year after year. We couldn't be successful without YOU!
A listing of the craft show committee areas is shown below, along with a brief description of their functions. If you are interested in joining the committee, please contact us at If you are interested in helping out the weekend of the craft show, a SignUp Genius will be shared in the fall.
Thank you very much for all the help and support you can give to this important fundraiser. If you are new to HGP, we know you will enjoy being a part of this fun tradition!
TRI-CHAIR-OVERALL - The Overall Tri-Chair is responsible for the project management of the entire craft show and leading the Committee to success. This position organizes all meetings, oversees the other committees, and prepares outgoing communications, as well as works with the school administration and Mothers' Guild President on behalf of the Committee. This role requires year-round attention, but is all behind the scenes and can be done from anywhere with your computer.
TRI-CHAIR-CRAFTERS - The Crafter Tri-Chair is the main contact for the crafters. This role is responsible for ensuring all crafter contracts are complete, collecting all payments, and leading the jury that fills the open spots each year from the crafter waitlist. This role requires year-round attention, but is all behind the scenes and can be done from anywhere with your computer.
TRI-CHAIR-LOGISTICS - The Logistics Tri-Chair is responsible for ensuring permits are obtained, security for the weekend is scheduled, and works with the Fathers’ Association to help with the parking during our event. This position also includes determining crafter placement in the Fieldhouse and Holt Center, using previous year placements as a guideline. This role requires year-round attention, but is all behind the scenes and can be done from anywhere with your computer.
CRAFTER WAITLIST COORDINATOR - This role helps the Crafter Tri-Chair respond to waitlist email requests and keep the waitlist up-to-date; Gmail and Google Drive are used for this purpose. This role requires year-round attention, but is all behind the scenes and can be done from anywhere with your computer. This position is currently open.
VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR - A successful craft show requires a lot of volunteers the weekend of the event. This role will be the point person on the committee to organize volunteer sign-ups, work with the school for student volunteers, and sign-in and organize the volunteers the weekend of the event.
BAKE TABLE - This Committee sells all the beautiful and delicious home-baked goodies generously donated by HGP Moms and extended families. Each HGP family has traditionally donated 3 home-baked items for this table. This table is very popular with our shoppers and by Sunday afternoon everything is sold! Members of this Committee do most of their work the week before and weekend of the show. This Committee has multiple openings.
CENTER-STAGE CRAFTER RAFFLE - This Committee is responsible for crafter check-in at the Craft Show and the collection and display of items donated by our crafters. Our shoppers purchase tickets to place in tins in front of the items they would like to win. Volunteers set-up on Friday and sell tickets on Saturday and Sunday. The moms on this committee have the most fun on Sunday when they pack, wrap, and distribute the winnings. This Committee requires volunteers from each of the student classes (Freshman-Seniors) and currently has multiple openings.
CAFÉ - Our Café is a popular stop for hungry Craft Show shoppers. Volunteers ensure the café runs smoothly and provide great food and friendly service. At the HGP Café, having too many cooks in the kitchen is always a good thing! This Committee also ensures that the crafters are taken care of; most are not able to leave their tables, so we deliver pretzels and coffee in the morning! This Committee has multiple openings.
50/50 –Volunteers sell 50/50 tickets in shifts throughout the weekend. This position requires volunteers who are not afraid to grab attention, talk to strangers, or be the loudest person in the room. It’s a fun position that allows you to meet the crafters and shop as you walk. Don’t forget to sell to the crafters as they sell to you! This Committee has multiple openings and is our HIGHEST need.
PREMIER PACKAGES RAFFLE - A highlight of the Craft Show is our wonderfully themed Premiere Packages raffle. For each chance, the purchaser has the opportunity to win one of the gorgeous packages overflowing with items in various themes, including a Christmas Basket, Home & Hearth, Tailgate, and more. The Committee members are responsible for purchasing the package contents in the weeks leading up to the show, then setting up the displays that Friday. Volunteers then sell chances during the two days of the show; raffle winners are pulled on Sunday afternoon.
DECORATING - If you enjoy holiday decorating, this Committee is for you! The moms on this Committee have a great time transforming the Fieldhouse and Holt Center into Christmas wonderlands with trees, wreaths, and other festive decorations. After the show, volunteers come back and take everything down (with the help of our HGP student volunteers), box it all up, and pack it away for the next year. This Committee has multiple openings.
If you are interested in joining the craft show committee, please contact us at and we can discuss what help is needed most and answer any questions. Thank you!