Welcome Freshman, New and Returning Moms & Guardians
at the Tea on September 15th!
Welcome to the Holy Ghost Prep family! We know your time spent here over the next four years will be as memorable as your son's, and we invite you to join us as part of the Mothers' Guild. The Mothers’ Guild is a community where everyone is welcomed and accepted, and we can come together. It is an excellent way for you to enhance your son’s experience at HGP!
Click here for a brochure that provides more information about what we do.
Please plan to join us on Sunday, September 15th at 11am for our kick-off event - our Mothers' Guild Tea. This event is a welcome back for all moms and guardians; please check your inbox for an invitation in August! Click here to view the Tea Invitation and click here to RSVP.
We encourage you to consider sharing your talents and time with us, big or small. Please visit the rest of our section of the Holy Ghost website to keep current and see where your gifts may be best. If you have any questions, please feel free to email Lauren Stout at mothersguild@holyghostprep.org. Enjoy the rest of your summer, and see you in September!
Save the Date: Holy Ghost Prep Mothers’ Guild General Meetings
The Mothers’ Guild holds monthly Monday evening meetings which begin with Mass in the chapel at 7pm.
The meetings are social and informative, often highlighted by a special event or speaker from the HGP administration or staff.
October 7
November 4
December 2
February 3
March 3
April 7
May 5
*There is no January meeting.
Craft Show: November 9-10
Mother-Son Event: March 1